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John Dickinson’s Unique Cosmetic Surgery in Reading

Cosmetic surgery gone too far?

All cosmetic surgery is designed to make patients feel better about themselves by changing something about the way they look. For some, the change is subtle and understated; for others, it is more acute. For three Chinese women travelling recently between China and South Korea, the effects of their plastic surgery had altered their appearance […]

Cosmetic surgery may help smokers quit smoking

Quite often, smokers will say that they to quit, but in reality they never find a compelling reason to stop. Now scientists appear to have found a link with smokers who opt for cosmetic surgery and the number of them who continue smoking after they have undergone their operation. According to a report  “if you’re […]

Breast augmentation (boob job) by country!

https://sherbrooktimes.com/in-some-countries-most-silicone-breast-photo/28961 Very interesting to see how breast augmentations round the world are still very popular. Several countries in Europe feature in the list in this article. In my practice we still see a large number of ladies wanting breast augmentation or a boob job as they are colloquially called! My practice through many years of […]

Facial plastic surgery

Across all walks of life, we are seeing continual change and development as more things are invented, improved and tested over time. The cosmetic world is no different. In fact, the multi-million pound beauty industry has countless scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs out there, all hoping that they’ll be the one to stumble across the next […]

When considering plastic surgery, are we always realistic with expectation?

Plastic surgery patients expectation are sometimes too unrealistic Many patients are quite excited when they come for consultation. For many, it is the end of a rightly long decision making process than leads them eventually to our door. However, one of the most critical parts of the consultation process is to endeavour to manage and […]

‘7 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Getting A Nose Job (rhinoplasty)’ by Jacqueline Kilikita

‘7 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Getting A Nose Job’ by Jacqueline Kilikita http://www.refinery29.uk/2017/05/153628/nose-job-what-to-expect We found this ‘blog’ (link above) from Rhinoplasty patient Jacqueline Kilikita to be an insightful and honest account and helpful to people considering having a nose job. What is a Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty (Greek: ῥίς rhis, nose + πλάσσειν plassein, to shape), […]

What is a Mastopexy (Breast Uplift) ?

http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/562025/Breast-reduction-and-Breast-lift-can-help-saggy-boobs What is a Mastopexy (Breast Uplift) ?   A Mastopexy is the clinical term used to describe a Breast Uplift, a procedure carried out to correct the appearance and shape of sagging breasts by elevating the position and enhancing their contour.   Patients commonly seek advice about a Mastopexy if the breasts have begun […]

Things you should know about Breast Reduction surgery with Mr John Dickinson of Unique Surgery in #Reading and #Windsor

Things you should know about Breast Reduction surgery with Mr John Dickinson of Unique Surgery in #Reading and #Windsor Many women with a smaller chest can be quite envious of their larger breasted counterparts but for some women having large breasts can be uncomfortable, even painful and they can affect self-confidence. Large breasts can typically […]

Small nipples to become the trend of 2017?

A recent study conducted by a group of plastic surgeons asked 131 participants to rate the attractiveness of various sized nipples. It found that nipples that occupied 25 to 30 percent of the breast were rated the highest. … While, those larger than 50 percent of the breast were deemed too large by the majority […]

Botox for sweating?

Botox for sweating? Botulinum Toxin is most commonly used to smooth facial wrinkles, although not many people know that it also has FDA approval to be used for #Hyperhidrosis too. Hyperhidrosis is a common condition in which a person sweats excessively. It’s been estimated to affect between one and three in every 100 people which […]